Monday, December 3, 2007

Rational Ufology.

¿Is it possible to analyze the UFO Phenomenon through Logic and Rational thought?
The answer is YES, and not only we have the right to think critically, but the need to do it.
If we don't, the UFO mystery,(which is real,) will end in the hands of charlatans, pseudo-contactees, cultists and impostors.
This is why our blog and group was created.

We have no ¨secret agenda" and have nothing to sell.
We just look for EVIDENCES and invite you to do the same thing.

1 comment:

starman said...

I agree that UFOlogy must not be ruined by charlatans and swindlers and that it can be rationally comprehended. IMO one good example of this is the booklet The Truth about UFOs and Aliens.