Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year...

What we can expect from 2008?
Let me guess.

In 2008 there will be no UFO disclosure. People is waiting this open
contact for the last 2 or 3 thousand years.
The abductions mythology will enter into a period of decadence. There
is nothing more to say. Principal experts in Abductionology are
writing fiction again.
The religious wars between Ufologists will intensify.
Manipulated paranoia of course will remain fixed in the same narratives.
Vatican, Jesuits, Illuminati, Reptilians controlling gov. will be as
usual the big themes.
The content of contactees messages will be unsubstantial as usual.
The well known blend of religion, new age, occultism and total lack of
Probably there will be new self-proclaimed contactees with nothing new
to say. Perhaps they will change the origin of their ETs.

Faked pictures and videos of presumed UFOs will saturate the Internet.
Nobody will care anymore about what is true and what isn't.
The UFO "Doktors" will write a few more books and try to sell them,
but it will not be a good year. People will pay more attention to the
Presidential Elections in USA.

Anyway, live long and prosper

In Reason we Trust

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